Oldest Operational High Education University Started By Muslim Women Reflections

 Fatima al-Fihri started the oldest University In the World


Use Your Privileges Correctly and you can achieve anything unknowingly

Fatima al-Fihri and her Sister Followed this rule when she inherited the wealth from her businessmen fathers wealth

Look at the problems currently in the world and try to solve them

Like how she did, the problem was Islamic education at here time the only places to learn were Mosques

and they were over-crowded

So She Used Her inheritance wisely and built The University of Qarawiyyin it is considered the oldest operational Higher Education University

When You Help other Wisely Allah Will reward You in this World and the Hereafter

Her Reward Was To Be Known Throughout the world and Allah will reward her in the Hereafter for Spreading Education

The two sisters vowed to dedicate their wealth for the benefit of their community, putting the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) into action

Help Solve Peoples Problems


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