How does the Number 0 Work? Explanation with Calculations Mathematical Formulas

How does the Number 0 Work?

Today's Question is how does the Number 0 work?

Digit Definition:
0 is a number, and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals. It fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems.

Value Definition:
0 means nothing or cannot be represented (with anything) because it has no value, but when you use it in front of another number it makes the value of the number greater 

1 add 0 = 10 

This Example Showed How the zero changed the value of 1 to 10. Now you have the right to ask that in one place I said the number itself has no value and in another place I said it adds value to another number and you get confused.
 But there is an answer for that, the number itself does not have a value but when you add it in front of a number it makes the value greater that's just how this number works

How does Zero Work with Calculations

How does the Number 0 work with Calculations?

Example : 1+ 0 = 0 

In the Equation you can see that the number (1) added with 0 equals to the numbers itself
Because when we add a number for instance 1 with 0 it equals 1 Above in the paragraph I told you 0 is nothing so it is basically 1+nothing(0) 

Example: 1 - 0 = 1

In the Above Equation you can see that 1 is being subtracted with 0 and you can see it equals to 1
It's Because 0 = nothing and we are removing 1 with 0 so another form of that is 1 - nothing so it's basically 1 because we are removing nothing from 1

Example: 1* 0 =0
In the Equation we can see that we are multiplying 1 with 0 and it equals 0
Because we are simply multiplying 1 with nothing so it equals to nothing

Example: 1/0=Undefined
In this Interesting Equation We can see that 1 is being divided by 0 and the answer is Undefined
Why is the answer Undefined? Well it's because we can't divide 1 with 0.

Turnaround Fact: 0/1=0

This is the Turnaround Fact of 1/0, it's the same Equation but the dividend and divisor are in different positions and the answer is different this time

Because we are dividing 0/1 which basically means nothing/1 which equals to nothing

So that I hope this helped you 
learn about the number 0

Thank you!


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